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Professional Experience


IDEA DEVELOPMENT – Personal Company Confidential Business Development

Creative Design and Confidential Consultant

• Developing confidential product and promotional business ideas for companies like special event concepts, real estate, healthcare industries, sports product design, and the retail business marketplace.

• Developed and designed a corporate image concept for a monogram and embroidery business. Development included logo design, product point of sale displays, corporate brochure, and regional marketing consultation.

• Hired by CD-Interactive to become Vice President / Interactive Marketing Division. Responsibilities included developing marketing concepts for companies. Interactive video kiosks using touchscreen technology (touch the monitor screen and you can choose between reading a biography of the star, listening to an interview, or watching the music video); and CD listening stations. Concept project included Country Star Hollywood owned by a number of country music superstars, including Vince Gill, Wynonna Judd, Reba McEntire, and TV hosts Lorianne Crook & Charlie Chase.



Irvine, California

Co-Founder, Vice-President and Marketing Director

• Co-founded a multidimensional membership networking organization – business, entertainment, sports, and social connections.

• Architectural and interior space plan designed our (5,000) five thousand square foot business facility and standardized techniques for future expansion locations.

• Designed the corporate trademark logo and corporate identity concepts including service mark programs for business, entertainment, sports, and social networking.

• Corporate publisher and advertising director for membership newsletter. Planned and designed demographic direct mail campaigns to reach 20,000 to 50,000 customers per month with an average response rate of 7.5%.

• Designed and managed regional magazine advertisements, seminar promotions, and public relation releases for the corporation.

• Pre/Post produced and directed our company promotional video and regional radio commercials.

• Directed and negotiated special event sponsorships – Official Sanctioned International Chili Society Miller High Life sponsored International Chili Cook-off ’88™, and managed official LSI promotional support for the Orange County Performing Arts Triathlon ’88, and First Interstate Bank United Way Sandcastle ’88 event.

• Sold Class A voting shares, and resigned as Owner/Director.



Newport Beach and Irvine, California


• Publisher of Neighborhood Business™ magazine, a non-subscription 30,000 plus monthly direct mailed neighborhood business to consumer reference publication. Created the magazine format and advertising space sales media kit and managed all advertising and editorial placement.

• Directed and managed consulting, advertising, marketing, and public relations for a varied account base of sports, travel, medical, high-tech computer, and retail businesses.

• Created SportsWest Magazine Newsletter™, copyright and trademarked self-promoting newsletter mailed to clients and potential clients featuring advertising and marketing concepts.

• Scope and business time development includes account sales, graphic design, media planning, market research, budget analysis, photography, direct mail, and sales presentation programs.



Anaheim, California

One Year Contract - Consultant

• Re-organized the in-house art production department for a national private label and name brand vitamin manufacturing business.

• Created and developed a systemized vitamin label artwork program and a color-coded vitamin bottle brand identification point of sale system reducing product and production costs.

• Designed two multi-market vitamin bottle labels, product packaging, and supermarket point of sales for American Greetings’ Strawberry Shortcake fructose favored licensed children’s vitamins.



San Juan Capistrano, California

(Surfer, Powder Snow Skiing, Roller Skating, Skateboarder Magazines)

New Products Development Director - Advertising Director

• Developed innovative and successful retail and promotional products for each of the publications incorporating the Surfer Publications name brand logo identification.

• Managed and created new imprinting techniques on fabrics used by the sportswear industry.

• Created all product division advertising and marketing advertisements and promotional media for each magazine’s products. Designed and managed unique product point of sale merchandising retail displays. Coordinated specialty product distribution on a national and international level; working in cooperation with many manufacturers like Ocean Pacific and Lightning Bolt clothing.

• Designed and created trade show exhibits for each of the publications and attended numerous National Sporting Goods Association (NSGA), Ski Industries of America (SIA), and sportswear trade shows.

• Organized and negotiated the license rights between Powder Snow Skiing Magazine and World Pro Skiing, Bob Beattie, Executive Director, and former U.S. Olympic Ski Coach. Created all the promotional products for World Pro Skiing and developed a ski show to be hosted by Bob Beattie and shown on newly formed ESPN.



Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

National Advertising Accounts Director

• Designed and developed a (7) seven magazine Sportfolio logo, and produced a media kit advertising concept for local and national advertising.

• Managed the regional and national advertising sales department with a combined circulation of 660,000 plus. Directed circulation expansion and assisted in the increase of ad-based revenue by coordinating all regional and national advertising placements.




• Received U.S. Patent No. 3917137 (33 Claims) November 4, 1975 – Ski Equipment Carrying Apparatus

• Awarded ADDY – Production Category – 30 Second Television Commercial and Budget

• Awarded ADDY – Local Campaign – 60 Second Radio Commercial and Budget




• Executive Director for the DICK DALE SURF CLASSIC ’84, an NSSA three-day surfing and snow skiing event held at the Huntington Beach Pier and Mountain High Ski Resort. Organized and managed event staff and event judging setup, trophy selection, promotional publicity, designed contest logo, event program, and trophy ceremony with world renown guitarist and movie actor Dick Dale playing live. Mountain High Ski Resort sponsor and KROQ live broadcast radio station sponsor and Group W cable recorded the event for ABC Sportsline.

• Produced, directed, and negotiated special event sponsorships – Official Sanctioned International Chili Society Miller High Life sponsored International Chili Cook-off ’88™, and managed official LSI promotional support for the Orange County Performing Arts Triathlon ’88, and First Interstate Bank United Way Sandcastle ’88 event.




• Created tunnel hull bottom – Tigercraft Boat Corporation

• Designed one-piece fiberglass modular engine compartment – WestSail 32 Sailboats

• Created giftware products, premium product development – Coca Cola premium item - 100 dozen

• Designed an architectural concept for the World Trade Center; submitted to New York. Two New York Senators sent personal letters of appreciation about the concept submission, and use of the lights on 9-11. An article was written about the design.




Logos and Corporate Image Development, Product Point of Sale Design, Video Production, Publishing Concepts, Radio and Television Production and Budget Management, Consulting, Seminar and Presentation Development, Computer Software Learning

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